
A short introduction to Dzogchen Urgyen Ling

Dzogchen Urgyen Ling’s principal function over more than thirty years has been facilitating different kinds of Buddhist arrangements and seminars in Denmark. The majority of  the different teachers belong to the oldest of the Tibetan schools/lineages – Nyingmapa. Beside this, it is a place where people can make personal retreats, and focus on their own practice for longer or shorter periods. Below is a more detailed review of the teachers who have visited Dzogchen Urgyen Ling since 1992.

About Dzogchen Urgyen Ling

In 1992 the first course was held with the Bonpo Lama Tenzing Wangyal Rinpoche. At that time the center was named Kyung Dzong (Eagles Castle). Tenzing Wangyal Rinpoche visited Gjerrild two more times in 1993 and 1995.

In 1993, a small group of people invited Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche to Copenhagen. Rinpoche gave many empowerments and transmissions during the 2 weeks he was there. Towards the end of this event one of the group, asked for a name for a Dharma group, where people could train, study, and practise the teachings that Rinpoche had given. On the last day, Jens Rasmussen was asked by Rinpoche to coordinate the activities of the group, which he then named Urgyen Ling. 

In 1994 Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche returned to Denmark, this time to Djursland in the countryside. This was the year that Rinpoche authorised the present centre in Gjerrild to be called Urgyen Ling. Rinpoche continued to come back to both Copenhagen and Gjerrild throughout the nineties, visiting Gjerrild for the last time in the early summer of 2000.

In February 1999 Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche visited Denmark for the first time at the invitation of Urgyen Ling. Later that same year he visited Gjerrild the first time, where he stayed for 14 days and gave teachings on ‘The heart treasure of the enlightened ones’ composed by the first Patrul Rinpoche. He also bestowed several empowerments including ‘The assembly of the Vidyadharas’ (Rigdzin Düpa) and ‘The queen of great bliss’ (Dechen Gyalmo) from The Longchen Nyingthig Cycle. Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche has continued to visit Copenhagen, Aarhus and Gjerrild where he has taught and given transmissions and empowerments. 

In 2000, the former abbot of the Dzogchen Monastery in Tibet, Kyabdje Pema Kalzang Rinpoche came to Europe, and in connection with this he visited Denmark and gave teachings, transmissions and empowerments in both Copenhagen and Gjerrild. In Copenhagen quite a lot of people attended, but as Rinpoche was relatively unknown in Denmark at that time, we were only a few privileged people in Gjerrild, who had the opportunity, to be close to one of the greatest Tibetan masters of our time. It was on this occasion that Dzogchen was added to the already existing name Urgyen Ling.

We met Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche for the first time in 2000 during Kyabdje Pema Kalzang Rinpoche’s teachings in Belgium. Rinpoche visited Denmark for the first time in 2002. At that time, although he had not completed his studies at the Mindrolling Monastery in India, he visited Europe every year. Since then he has continued to visit both Gjerrild and Copenhagen regularly, often teaching several times each year. After Rinpoche finished his studies at Mindrolling he was asked to reside in Finland, where he is now staying on a more permanent basis. Here he has created a center called Danakosha.

Several other Lamas have visited Dzogchen Urgyen Ling over the  years; among them are Khenpo Thubten Lodru Nyima, Lakha Rinpoche and the Danish lamas Lama Ani Palmo and Lama Tendar.

Dzogchen Urgyen Ling is not a traditional western Buddhist Centre as such, but at the same time has also functioned as a center for Yoga. This was originally started up by Kristine Krogstrup with the intention to create a place where it was possible to participate in residential courses at an affordable price.