TULKU DAKPA RINPOCHE GIVES TEACHINGS IN DENMARK – The 31 of May to 5. of June 2025 in Gjerrild

We are happy to tell you that Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche returns to Gjerrild in the early summer 2025.
The theme for this years teaching will be on a Dzogchen text written by the great master Longchen
Rabjam (1308 – 1364). Longchenpa is considered to be one of the most outstanding and brilliant
teachers of the Nyingma school. He systematised and clarified Dzogchen and many other aspects of
Buddha’s teachings, in the many texts he wrote in his relative short lifetime.

The text will be ‘The Natural Freedom of the Nature of Mind’ (sems nyid rang grol). The text is in
three parts: Ground, Path and Fruition. It’s a text which belongs to the trilogy named: ‘The trilogy
of Natural Freedom’ (rang grol skor gsum).
There is different editions of the text in english:

The root text is translated in Tulku Thondup’s ,’The practise of Dzogchen’ (page 316-355). This
book is earlier published with the title ‘Buddha Mind’.
A more loose translation but with commentary in Traleg Kybgon’s, ’Three cycles of natural
In Crystal Mirror IV (113-146) from Dharma Publishing 1975, there is a translation by Herbert V.

Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche is teaching in english.

Practical information about the retreat in Gjerrild:

Where and when:

The teachings will start at Saturday the 31. of May at 16.00. The seminar will finish Thursday the 5.
of June around noon. The seminar will take place at Dzogchen Urgyen Ling in Gjerrild, a small
village at Djursland, beautifully located close to the woods and beach. If you need travel
information about how to find us, you are welcome to contact us regarding this.

Registration and Cost Contribution:
The complete session (including a common offering for the Lama, travel expenses for the Lama,
food and sleeping accommodation) is:
For a full seminar including food and accommodation: D.Kr. 3300 (Euro 450)
For a full seminar without accommodation and food: D.Kr. 1700 (Euro 230)
The overnight accommodation take place either in Dormitory, in one’s own tent in the garden or
for a limited number of participants in private rooms (double). For a private room there will be
charged D.kr.250 (Euro 32) for the whole period. If you wish a double room for yourself the price
will be D.kr . 500 (Euro 65). There are a limited number of rooms and they would be given out in
turn of registration.

It is also possible to stay either at the local Inn ( http://hotel-gjerrild-kro.dk ), the camping site
https://www.dcu.dk/da/dcu-camping/gjerrild-strand ) or in the Youth hostel in Gjerrild
( https://gjerrildvandrerhjem.dk ).

People who come from abroad could pay for the seminar at arrival, but you would have to register
before the seminar starts, to be sure to participate. For those who have various constrictions, please
give us a call to see if we can make an arrangement.

Important notice: The location of the retreat is not without certain limits, so no one is assured
participation without registration in advance. During the retreat everybody would have to help
preparing for the meals, doing the dishes and cleaning the areas we are using. These tasks will
never interfere with the teaching sessions.
Bring along sleeping bags and bed linen. It’s possible to rent bed linen and so on for D.kr: 100
(Euro 15), for the whole period.

It’s possible to arrive the day before the retreat starts if that’s more convenient for you, but we must
know in advance.

Further information:
Dzogchen Urgyen Ling
Kirkepolden 6, Gjerrild
8500 Grenå
Phone: +45 29806081
e.mail: urgyenling@mail.dk


It is with great joy that we can tell you that Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche returns to Gjerrild in the spring
This year’s teaching will be on a text that the great master Patrul Rinpoche collected from different
sources from Aro Yeshe Jungne. It is called: ‘Clear elucidation of the true nature: An esoteric
Instruction on the sublime approach of Ati’, or Thegchok Ati Mennag Neluk Salton in Tibetan.
The essence of Aro’s teaching is how to identify the nature of the mind, how to abide in it as a way
of life, and how to liberate turbulent thoughts and emotions af and when they arise.

This text can be found in the following book:
‘Pointing out the Nature of Mind’ by Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche & Khenpo Tsewang
Dongyal Rinpoche.

On Saturday the 18th. of May Rinpoche will bestow a Guru Rinpoche Long life initiation from the
Könchog Chidu.
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche is teaching in English.

Practical information about the retreat in Gjerrild:

Where and when:

The teachings will start on Tuesday the 14. of May at 16.00. The seminar will finish on Sunday the 19.
of May around noon. The seminar will take place at Dzogchen Urgyen Ling in Gjerrild, a small
village in Djursland, beautifully located close to the woods and beach. If you need travel
information about how to find us, you are welcome to contact us regarding this.

Registration and Cost Contribution:

The complete session (including a common offering for the Lama, travel expenses for the Lama,
food and sleeping accommodation) is:
For a full seminar including food and accommodation: D.Kr. 3200 (Euro 435)
For a full seminar without accommodation and food: D.Kr. 1500 (Euro 200)
The overnight accommodation takes place either in the Dormitory, in one’s own tent in the garden, or
for a limited number of participants in private rooms (double). For a private room, there will be
charged D.kr.250 (Euro 32) for the whole period. If you wish a double room for yourself the price
will be D.kr. 500 (Euro 65). There are a limited number of rooms and they would be given out in
turn of registration.
It is also possible to stay either at the local Inn ( http://hotel-gjerrild-kro.dk ), the camping site
https://www.dcu.dk/da/dcu-camping/gjerrild-strand), or in the Youth hostel in Gjerrild

People from abroad could pay for the seminar on arrival, but you would have to register before the seminar starts. For those who have various constrictions, please give us a call to see if we can make an arrangement.

Important notice: The location of the retreat is not without certain limits, so no one is assured
participation without registration in advance.

During the retreat, everybody would have to help prepare the meals, do the dishes, and clean the areas we are using. These tasks will
never interfere with the teaching sessions.
Bring along sleeping bags and bed linen. It’s possible to rent bed linen and so on for D.kr: 100
(Euro 15), for the whole period.
It’s possible to arrive the day before the retreat starts if that’s more convenient for you, but we must
know in advance.

Further information:
Dzogchen Urgyen Ling
Kirkepolden 6, Gjerrild
8500 Grenå
Phone: +45 29806081
e.mail: urgyenling@mail.dk

TULKU DAKPA RINPOCHE GIVES TEACHINGS IN DENMARK – The 23rd to 28th of May 2023 in Gjerrild

It is with great joy that we can look forward to Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche returning to Gjerrild in
spring 2023.

This year Rinpoche’s teachings will be based on Jamgön Mipham’s text: ‘White Lotus/Pema
. It’s a text that uncovers different layers/approaches of the much-used and well-known
invocation to Guru Rinpoche’s ‘The seven line prayer.’
It exists in a fine translation from Padmakara, Jamgøn Mipham: ‘White Lotus’, and can be ordered
from the net.
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche is teaching in English.

Practical information about the retreat in Gjerrild:

Where and when:
The teachings will start on Tuesday the 23. of May at 16.00. The seminar will finish Sunday the 28.
of May around noon. The seminar will take place at Dzogchen Urgyen Ling in Gjerrild, a small
village in Djursland, beautifully located close to the woods and beach. If you need travel
information about how to find us, you are welcome to contact us regarding this.

Registration and Cost contribution:
The complete session (including a common offering for the Lama, travel expenses for the Lama,
food and sleeping accommodation) is:

For a full seminar: D.Kr. 3200 (Euro 435)
For a seminar without accommodation and food: D.Kr. 1500 (Euro 200)
The overnight accommodation take place either in Dormitory, in one’s own tent in the garden or
for a limited number of participants in private rooms (double). For a private room there will be
charged D.kr.250 (Euro 32) for the whole period. If you wish a double room for yourself the price
will be D.kr . 500 (Euro 65). There are a limited number of rooms and they would be given out in
turn of registration.

It’s possible to rent bed linen for D.kr: 100 (Euro 15), for the whole period.
It is also possible to stay either at the local Inn ( http://hotel-gjerrild-kro.dk ), the camping site
https://www.dcu.dk/da/dcu-camping/gjerrild-strand ), or in the Youth hostel in Gjerrild
( https://gjerrildvandrerhjem.dk ).

People who come from abroad could pay for the seminar on arrival, but you would have to register before the seminar starts. For those who have various constrictions, please give us a call to see if we can make an arrangement.

Important notice: The location of the retreat is not without certain limits, so no one is assured
participation without registration in advance. During the retreat, everybody would have to help
preparing for the meals, doing the dishes, and cleaning the areas we are using. These tasks will
never interfere with the teaching sessions.
Bring along sleeping bags and bed linen.

It’s possible to arrive the day before the retreat starts if that’s more convenient for you, but we must
know in advance.

Further information:
Dzogchen Urgyen Ling
Kirkepolden 6, Gjerrild
8500 Grenå
Phone: +45 29806081
e.mail: urgyenling@mail.dk
